Legal Services in Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska
Obtaining legal services related to long-term care, trust administration, and estate planning doesn’t have to be as expensive as you think. Planning ahead can save a lot of money and makes transitions easier for your loved ones. At Letsch Law Firm, we are committed to helping our clients obtain legal advice and services in a way that fits their needs and budget.

Medicaid Benefits
Many people are surprised to learn that they are qualified for or can become qualified for Medicaid benefits to pay for nursing home care, assisted living, or in-home care.
More InformationSpecial Needs
Protect your loved ones by ensuring there are assets available to enhance their quality of life, without jeopardizing their other benefits.
More InformationPost Death
Whether you need probate, trust administration, or a simple affidavit of joint survivor, Letsch Law Firm can guide you in the post death process.
More InformationPowers of Attorney
Healthcare and General Durable Powers of Attorney are critical documents that all persons over 18 years of age need to ensure that someone is empowered to help, in case of an accident.
More InformationLast Will and Testament
Your Last Will and Testament dictates who will manage your affairs after you have gone and how your assets will be distributed among your beneficiaries. This planning tool is appropriate for families with young children.
More InformationTrusts
There are a multitude of trusts available to meet most every estate planning goal. Revocable Living Trusts are the most common and are used to avoid the public process of probate and simplify post death administration.
More InformationGuardianship & Conservatorship
When there is no person appointed as agent under power of attorney, we often need a guardianship or conservatorship to empower someone to step in and help. Whether it is a young person with a developmental disability turning 18 years of age, or an older person with compromised decision-making skills, Letsch Law Firm's experience and compassion can help to make this process go as smoothly as possible.
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Elder Law
When issues related to age, health, living situation, and finances start to overlap, and elder law attorney can provide the best overall advice. Letsch Law Firm will help you assess the living arrangements, healthcare provider needs, and financial plan to protect assets and/or qualify for government assistance.
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As Seen On TV

Cynthia Letsch has been featured on Iowa Live speaking on various legal topics such as Estate Planning, Medicaid and Probate.